Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Infinite Terrain Generation

In my main game, we are working on implementing infinite terrain using procedural generation. Instead of using perlin noise, we're trying a new form of generation where a flat ground plan is created and features are created on top of it. Generally there are two types of features we're using, large ones and small ones.. The large ones are created first, such as hills and mountains. The smaller features are then generated on top of the larger ones, creating a dynamic terrain. The flat plain at the beginning is made of basic flat ground, and is created in a tile structure. The tiles are randomly picked based on the ones surrounding it, so snowy tiles are next to other snowy tiles, creating a snowy biome. We can also generate lakes and caves that can take up more than one tile, creating oceans. This type of procedural generation is working great for us so far, creating very good looking terrain. Here's some screenshots of the terrain so far

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